Santa Teresa & Mal Pais in Costa Rica

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It's not just the warm waters and excellent surfing conditions for beginning surfers that make Santa Teresa a surfer's paradise. There is much to see and explore in this part of Costa Rica. A visit here will offer a beginning surfer, one of the world's best places to learn how to surf as well as an adventure of a lifetime.

This part of Costa Rica still offers the visitor a glimpse of the past. A dozen years ago when nearby Montezuma was finding itself a destination for many travelers coming to Costa Rica, Santa Teresa was just getting electricity. Certainly Santa Teresa has developed much in the past decade, but there are no buildings over three stories in height. For travelers who have been to Costa Rica, this is no Tamarindo or Jaco.

Mal Pais which is the other end of the beach at Playa Carmen has developed even more slowly. There are large areas of intact jungle and more water in the hills keeps things green. The pace of life is slower here with fewer tourists. The exception to that is when the Mal Pais surf camp has their open mike night on Wednesday and Saturday's.

If you are coming to learn how to surf, the beach at Playa Carmen provides good year round surf. The best wave conditions for a beginning surfer will be found between the months of December and April. This works well with the winter months in North america and Europe. There are plenty of places to find surfboards for rent and a good selection of surf instructors.

If you are traveling with friends who are more advanced in surfing, good news. Mal Pais and Santa Teresa boast world-class surf breaks for more advanced surfers. This is what originally attracted international surfers to the area. The surf breaks here are some of the best in the country and known throughout the world.

There is more to the area than just surfing. Santa Teresa attracts an interesting mix of people. It is no secret that celebrities often come to the area. Who knows, you may see someone famous out in the surf line-up or sitting at the table next to you. The area has attracted amazing chefs from all over the globe. You can dine at a five star caliber restaurant for a fraction of the cost it would be in Europe or North america. Whether you are in the mood for a fish taco or an elegant meal, there is something for every travelers budget.

The same thing can be said for hotels in Santa Teresa and Mal Pais. You can find a hotel for as little as $15 a night or up to $600 a night.

Santa Teresa and Mal Pais draw many first time visitors just for the waves. If you come, two things are certain. It will be more than just the waves that bring you back and you will wish you had given yourself more time to stay, surf and explore.

Visit my site - Santa Teresa Vacations